Jen Hill
Charlotte, NC

Jen Hill’s entire life has revolved around art; from fine art to performance art, Jen has experimented in a myriad of mediums. Originally from the Winston Salem/Kernersville area, she was exposed to the top art programs in the southeast, including East Carolina’s art school. In 2008, Jen earned her degree from ECU’s art program, with a focus on textiles, printmaking, and illustration.
Jen has lived in Charlotte for 10 years and her hand lettering and chalk work is well-known across local establishments. The brewery and restaurant signage art opened her doors to Charlotte, North Carolina’s art scene. She has been doing art full time for 5 years and is making her splatter and sparkle-inspired art a cornerstone of the city. Whether she is making Warholesque pop portraits of her favorite female inspirations or creating large-scale messy masterpieces, Jen continues to explore the many facets of her creativity.

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